HILTI DD 150-U Core Drill

  • $52.00 / Day
  • $162.00 / Week
  • $486.00 / Month
Hire with operator
$40.00 / Hour

This is a Hilti DD 150 U concrete core drill with the options of a 2″x16″, 4″x16″ or a 6″x16″ bit.  Great for electrical lines, water lines and sewer lines when you need to drill through a foundation or any other concrete. We also offer a Hilti DD-ST 150 U stand that this tool fits.

SKU: 201356-11-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2 Categories: ,

This is a Hilti DD 150 U concrete core drill with the options of a 2″x16″, 4″x16″ or a 6″x16″ bit.  Great for electrical lines, water lines and sewer lines when you need to drill through a foundation or any other concrete. We also offer a Hilti DD-ST 150 U stand that this tool fits.

Additional information

Time Frame

24 Hr, Holiday, Hourly, Minimum, Same Day, Weekly