Water Trailer Multiquip 525 Gallon

  • $120.00 / Day
  • $385.00 / Week
  • $1,155.00 / Month
Hire with operator
$90.00 / Hour

This Multiquip water trailer has 525 gallon capacity and runs on a 5 hp Honda 2″ pump. It has a 2 5/16″ ball and 4 pin vehicle connector. Mobile, simple, flexible, the WT5C is ready to tackle a host of assignments to include: dust control, emergency firefighting response, construction, agricultural support and equipment wash down. The easy-operating manifold designs permits easy suction/discharge operations.

SKU: 201356-11-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2 Categories: ,

This Multiquip water trailer has 525 gallon capacity and runs on a 5 hp Honda 2″ pump. It has a 2 5/16″ ball and 4 pin vehicle connector. Mobile, simple, flexible, the WT5C is ready to tackle a host of assignments to include: dust control, emergency firefighting response, construction, agricultural support and equipment wash down. The easy-operating manifold designs permits easy suction/discharge operations.

Additional information

Time Frame

24 Hr, Holiday, Hourly, Minimum, Same Day, Weekly